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Application SNAF in AppStore

Dear Friends!We have completed a long and high-quality work on the mobile application of our project.The result is stunning - the functionality is at the high level of a social application. Click here now and install app in your device!

The application contains practically the full functionality of the site: your profile, friends, messages, news, clubs, photos, videos, favourites.

You can upload photos using filters, sign pictures, share your favourite photos and life events with friends, comment, point out what you like. There is a great number of thematic clubs on Apple.

Be online together with SNAF.ME!

1 video
Arkona - Battle in Voronezh (Full concert)

time: 109:11

track list:

1) Az' 2) Arkaim 3) Ot Serdtsa k nebu 4) Goi, Rode, Goi! 5) Zakliatie 6) Marena 7) Slovo 8) Pamiat 9) Slav'sia, Rus'! 10) Kupalets 11) Katitsia Kolo 12) Skvoz' Tuman Vekov 13) Po Siroy Zemle 14) Stenka na Stenku 15) Solntsevorot 16) Maslenitsa 17) Tuman Yarom 18) Yarilo 19) Rus' 20) Viydu ya na volushku 21) Oi, to ne vecher 22) Kupala i Kostroma

concert was recorded at Tarantul club (Voronezh, Russia) 26.12.2011