Social Network of Apple Fans


Anastasiya Armond

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Application SNAF in AppStore

Dear Friends!We have completed a long and high-quality work on the mobile application of our project.The result is stunning - the functionality is at the high level of a social application. Click here now and install app in your device!

The application contains practically the full functionality of the site: your profile, friends, messages, news, clubs, photos, videos, favourites.

You can upload photos using filters, sign pictures, share your favourite photos and life events with friends, comment, point out what you like. There is a great number of thematic clubs on Apple.

Be online together with SNAF.ME!

3 videos
Antic Cafe Expect Rush Photoshoot English subtitles

Описание отсутствует.

An Cafe - Natsu Koi Natsu Game *new* PV


Let's giggle people!!!!!!! XDDD this PV is someting that made me laugh like an idiot

about an hour, I don't know why...but haha it's...It's just lol :D CUTE anyways, but lol

The song is again catchy and so cute..and It's again stuck inside my head...

Like I expected...

I have never thought about Takuya dancing.....or any jrocker...well..

I have now almost seen everything... ;)

He's so freaking cute XD tee-hee!!

Okay! thnx , Enjoy, laugh...and bai bai!

Comments & Ratings or something!

RAWR !!!!!!

An Cafe - Escapism

An Cafe - Escapism pv

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